Results for 'Vikentiĭ Vikentʹevich Veresaev'

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    Apollon i Dionis (O Nit︠s︡she).Vikentiĭ Vikentʹevich Veresaev - 1924
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    Russia and Europe: Yuly Aykhenvald on Fyodor Dostoevsky’s historiosophy.Е. А Тахо-Годи - 2022 - Philosophy Journal 15 (4):123-135.
    The paper discusses the perception of Fyodor Dostoevsky’s work by Yuly Aykhenvald (1872–1928), a famous literary critic of the first quarter of the twentieth century. It shows that Aykhenvald’s attitude toward Dostoevsky had undergone a certain evolution from a rejection via demands to “overcome” him to his recognition as one of the “spiritual leaders” of the thinking Russia alongside Pushkin and Leo Tolstoy. Yet Aykhenvald still had some controversy with Dostoevsky, above all over philosophy of history. The ques­tion of Russia’s (...)
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    Maslikhin, Aleksandr Vitalʹevich: biobibliograficheskiĭ ukazatelʹ.Aleksandr Vitalʹevich Maslikhin - 2020 - Ĭoshkar-Ola, Cheboksary: String.
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    The Self-Selfness of Vasiliy Rozanov.Oleg Yur'evich Akimov - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    Our approach bases on the explication of Rosanov’s creativity as the special intention, that implements the unspeakable Self-Selfness of Vasiliy Rosanov. The ineffability of Self-Selfness can be dialectical expressed by Rosanov through phenomena, of that consists the Rosanov’s world. This ineffability actualizes by Rosanov by means of understanding as a filled emptiness, that determinates the specialties and the structure of the understood objects. The exposition of this emptiness conditions the antinomies of Rosanov’s creativity: one sides is understanding by Rosanov the (...)
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  5. Reason and Being.Boris Grigor'evich Kuznetsov, Carolyn R. Fawcett & Robert Sonné Cohen - 1987 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 17:1-436.
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  6. N. P. Ogarev.Nikolaĭ Grigorʹevich Tarakanov - 1974
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    Paradox of practical atheism in Raimund Lullus spiritual quests.Oleg Yur'evich Akimov - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The intuitions of Raimundus Lullus religious metaphysics are in this article explicated according to the opportunities of the convergence between the medieval and the new time philosophy. Such approach to the creativity of the thinker is possible, because his conception is one sides associated with the mystical symbolic theologism, that is typical for the medieval tradition, over sides develops Lullus the new understanding of the infinity of the world, inherent in the newtime philosophy. This opposition conditions some of the features (...)
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    Introspection of Raimundus Lullus.Oleg Yur'evich Akimov - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The spiritual quest of Raymond Lull is of interest to modern philosophical discourse as occupying an intermediate position between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance and thus combining the features of these two eras in the history of the development of human thought. They are connected with the Middle Ages by theocentrism and traditionalism, and with the Renaissance by emphasizing the peculiar polyphony of the world, the predominance of plurality over unity, given in the autonomous dialogic space of the human (...)
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    A history of Russian philosophy.Vasiliĭ Vasilʹevich Zenʹkovskiĭ - 1953 - New York,: Columbia University Press.
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  10. (2 other versions)Filosofskiĭ slovarʹ.Anatolii Vasil Evich Ado & Ivan Timofeevich Frolov (eds.) - 1980 - Moskva: Izd-vo polit. lit-ry.
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  11. Bazele kunoshtintselor filozofiche.Viktor Grogorʹevich Afanasʹev - 1968
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    Dialectical materialism.Viktor Grigorʹevich Afanasʹev - 1987 - New York: International Publishers.
    An introduction to the basic ideas of philosophy as a science, materialism, the categories and laws of motion of nature, society and human thought, dialectics, the theory of knowledge.
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    Historical materialism.Viktor Grigorʹevich Afanasʹev - 1987 - New York: International Publishers.
    An introduction to the mode of production, explains a social order's base and superstructure, people as decisive in social development, classes and class struggle, the state, revolutionary change, social consciousness.
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    (1 other version)Marxist philosophy.Viktor Grigorʹevich Afanasʹev - 1965 - Moscow,: Progress Publishers.
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    Marxist philosophy: a popular outline.Viktor Grigorʹevich Afanasʹev - 1968 - Moscow,: Progress.
  16. Mir zhivogo: sistemnostʹ, ėvoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii︠a︡ i upravlenie.Viktor Grigorʹevich Afanasʹev - 1986 - Moskva: Izd-vo polit. lit-ry.
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  17. Osnovy filisofsʹkykh znanʹ.Viktor Grigorʹevich Afanasʹev - 1966
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  18. (3 other versions)Osnovy filosofskikh znaniĭ.Viktor Grigorʹevich Afanasʹev - 1962
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  19. Osnovy marksistskoĭ filosofii.Viktor Grigorʹevich Afanasʹev - 1960 - Moskva,: Izd-vo sot︠s︡ialʹno-ėkon. lit-ry.
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  20. Obshchestvo--sistemnostʹ, poznanie i upravlenie.Viktor Grigorʹevich Afanasʹev - 1981 - Moskva: Izd-vo polit. lit-ry.
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  21. Problema t︠s︡elostnosti v filosofii i biologii.Viktor Grigoʹevich Afanasʹev - 1964
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    The Conception of Creativity of Rozanov in the Context of Ancient Tradition.Oleg Yur'evich Akimov - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The creativity of Rozanov is realized as the flow of experiences and associations. This experiences are putting together by means of the topic-conception “becoming”, that belongs to ancient categories. This categories are used to collect the dividual intuitions of Rozanov. Doctrine of Rozanov is interpreted as the coordination between the outside and the inside ranges of becoming. The inside rang of becoming includes by Rozanov the movement of people and things from birth to death. The inside ranges are corresponded with (...)
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    Kosmicheskiĭ fenomen cheloveka: chelovek v antropnom mire.Igor' Arkad'evich Aleksandrov - 1999 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Agar".
  24. Problema fizicheskoĭ realʹnosti.Leonid Grigor'evich Antipenko - 1973 - Moskva,: "Nauka,".
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    Kulʹturno-istoricheskai︠a︡ psikhologii︠a︡ i konstruirovanie mirov: psikholog, psikhopedagog, psikhoistorik.Aleksandr Grigorʹevich Asmolov - 1996 - Moskva: Moskovskiĭ psikhologo-sot︠s︡. in-t.
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    Izbrannye proizvedenii︠a︡: filosofii︠a︡, psikhologii︠a︡, kulʹtura.Petr Evgenʹevich Astafʹev - 2021 - Moskva: Institut nasledii︠a︡. Edited by N. P. Ilʹin, Kapitolina Koksheneva & A. I︠U︡ Minakov.
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  27. Opyt o svobodi︠e︡ voli.Petr Evgenïevich Astafʹev - 1897 - Edited by Vvedenskiıĭ Aleksi︠e︡ĭ Ivanovich.
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    Uchenye zapiski. Avksentʹev, Anatoliĭ Vasilʹevich & [From Old Catalog] (eds.) - 1861
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  29. Dialektika nravstvennykh protivorechiĭ.Vladislav Arkadʹevich Bachinin - 1988 - Voronezh: Izd-vo Voronezhskogo universiteta.
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    Ent︠s︡iklopedii︠a︡ filosofii i sot︠s︡iologii prava.Vladislav Arkadʹevich Bachinin - 2006 - Sankt-Peterburg: Izd-vo R. Aslanova "I︠U︡ridicheskiĭ t︠s︡entr Press".
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  31. Nravstvennai︠a︡ kulʹtura i lichnostʹ.Vladislav Arkadʹevich Bachinin - 1979 - Moskva: Znanie.
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  32. Osnovy sot︠s︡iologii prava i prestupnosti.Vladislav Arkadʹevich Bachinin - 2001 - Sankt-Peterburg: Izd-vo S.-Peterburgskogo Universiteta.
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  33. Aktualʹnye problemy marksistskoĭ ėtiki. Bandzeladze, Gela Domentʹevich & [From Old Catalog] (eds.) - 1967
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  34. Dialekʻtikisa da logikis urtʻiertʻobis sakitʻxisatʻvis.Gela Domentʹevich Bandzeladze - 1956
  35. Ėtika.Gela Domentʹevich Bandzeladze - 1970
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  36. Opyt izlozhenii︠a︡ sistemy marksistskoĭ ėtiki.Gela Domentʹevich Bandzeladze - 1963
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    Dialekticheskiĭ materializm i problema realʹnosti v sovremennoĭ fizike.Vladimir Vasilʹevich Bazhan, Petro Sydorovych Dyshlevyi & Valentin Sergeevich Luk ́ianets - 1974 - Kiev,: "Nauk. dumka,". Edited by P. S. Dyshlevyĭ & Valentin Sergeevich Lukʹi︠a︡net︠s︡.
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    V preddverii Strashnogo Suda, ili, Izbezhim li predrechennogo v Apokalipsise?Igor§ Vasil§Evich Bestuzhev-Lada - 1996 - Moskva: "Fizkulʹtura, obrazovanie i nauka".
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  39. Filosofskai︠a︡ i obshchestvennai︠a︡ myslʹ v Belorussii i Litve.Alʹbert Afanasʹevich Biralo - 1971
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  40. Burzhuaznai︠a︡ sot︠s︡iologii︠a︡ prava.Sergei Vasil Evich Bobotov - 1978 - Moskva: I︠U︡Rid. Lit..
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  41. Filosofii︠a︡ P. L. Lavrova.Vitaliĭ Vasilʹevich Bogatov - 1972
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  42. Metodologicheskie problemy istorii filosofii i obshchestvennoĭ mysli.Bronislav Vasil Evich Bogdanov & Akademiia Nauk Sssr (eds.) - 1977 - Moskva: Nauka.
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    Metodologicheskai︠a︡ rolʹ istoricheskogo materializma v analize form sot︠s︡ialʹnogo znanii︠a︡.Ivan Vasilʹevich Boĭchenko - 1982 - Kiev: "Nauk. dumka".
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  44. Osnovnye filosofskie problemy sovremennogo estestvoznanii︠a︡.Vladimir Grigorʹevich Borzenkov - 1975 - Edited by Lebedev, Sergeĭ Aleksandrovich & [From Old Catalog].
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  45. Print︠s︡ip determinizma i sovremennai︠a︡ biologii︠a︡: Metodologicheskie aspekty.Vladimir Grigorʹevich Borzenkov - 1980 - Moskva: Izd-vo Moskovskogo universiteta.
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  46. Teoreticheskai︠a︡ biologii︠a︡--razmyshlenii︠a︡ o predmete.Vladimir Grigorʹevich Borzenkov - 1980 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Znanie,". Edited by A. S. Severt︠s︡ov.
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  47. Filosofii︠a︡ otchai︠a︡nii︠a︡ i strakha.Mikhail Lavrentʹevich Chalin - 1962
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  48. Moralʹ stroiteli︠a︡ kommunizma.Mikhail Lavrentʹevich Chalin - 1963
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  49. V plenu individualizma.Mikhail Lavrentʹevich Chalin - 1966 - Moskva,: Myslʹ.
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  50. Integrat︠s︡ii︠a︡ nauki.Mikhail Grigorʹevich Chepikov - 1975
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